The Poet for Hire Has Connections
I have links below to poetry venues and other comrades in the written and visual arts. Email me if you'd like to suggest a link of your own.
Stone Soup Poetry

One of the longest running poetry venues in Massachusetts, Stone Soup was founded by the late Jack Powers and for over a decade met every Monday evening in Cambridge at the recently closed Out of The Blue Art Gallery. I have set up a home on the web here. We also have a presence on Facebook and Meetup. Stone Soup is currently meeting every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Fort Point Arts Community's Assemblage Gallery on 70 A Sleeper Street (across from The Barking Crab, check out the News for the latest dates and locations.
Stone Soup Poetry's live events are on hold due to COVID-19 concerns. See the News section for future online Zoom events. .
Stone Soup Poetry's live events are on hold due to COVID-19 concerns. See the News section for future online Zoom events. .
Oddball Magazine

Jason Wright founded his online magazine a few years back as a way of featuring his own work and the work of others he believed in. Since Stone Soup partnered with Oddball Magazine, Jason has incorporated a number of Stone Soup's open mic ("in house") talents, including James Van Looy. Now Oddball Magazine averages at least five posts a week (ideally 1-2 posts per day). Click the link here and either bookmark the homepage or follow us through WordPress, the magazine's current home base. We have a lot of great work slated for 2014 and more coming in. Also consider submitting if you're a poet, writer or artist of any style.