The Poet for Hire Has Bragging Rights
I've been published in a number places. Below are links to some of the electronic journals that have featured my work.
A River Sings
"Alex Jones After Trial" was published on September 22, 2022.
The Arts Fuse
"Two Lane" was published on October 26, 2023.
Three of my limericks were published in the Spring 2013 issue, having entered them in a fictitious contest. Read here for more info.
Boston Literary Magazine
My poem "Late at Night" was featured along with a short interview in the revamped March 2022 issue.
"Charlie Brown at 45" was part of the December 2020 issue.
"Bill Cosby’s Cancelled Commencement Speech" appeared in the November 2020 issue.
"Zoology" was published in the October 2020 issue.
"Be Your Own Literary Hero" was published in the February 2020 issue.
can we have our ball back?
"Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Remembers His Brother's Words..." and "Poem" are included in issue 21.0.
"The Lost Notebook" appeared in issue 15.0.
"First in a Series" appeared in issue 12.0.
"The Amusement Park Where You Worked Summers," "Roommate" and "Sunday" appeared in issue 9.0.
Cold Moon Journal
My camping haiku was published on October 21, 2024.
My late summer haiku was published on September 25, 2024.
My summerish haiku was published on January 26, 2024.
Concelebratory Shoehorn Review
"Alumni," "Child At The Pet Store," "Housewarming Tips," "Poem" and "Jealousy" appear in the March 2008 issue.
The Crossroads
"Made It" was published on October 25, 2024.
"When It's Time to Listen, They Concentrate" was published on January 28, 2025 on International Holocaust Remembrance Day..
"Squinting at New York Post Headlines on Christmas Eve" was one of the first poems they published in January 2025.
"Voter's Remorse" went up with perfect sad timing on November 13.
"Archy Barky," a political piece that appeared on October 25, 2024.
"Workshop for the Defeated" was published on October 1, 2024.
"Centrist Eulogy" was published on August 13, 2024.
"Unpresidented" appeared on July 23, 2024.
"Lunch Scrap" was published on June 21, 2024.
"Manufactured Dissent" was published on April 22, 2024.
"Kevin Sorbo Watches Baltimore Bridge Fall" was published on April 3, 2024.
"Fired" was published on March 6, 2024.
"Custom Candy Hearts" was posted with perfect timing on February 14, 2024.
"Thistopia" was published on February 1, 2024.
"Hall and Oates Quiet Quit" was published on January 16, 2024.
"A Retinal Imager’s Theology" was published on December 14, 2023.
"Cede the Fifth" was published on November 1, 2023.
"Doomer Limerick" was published on September 26, 2023.
"A Giving Up Sonnet," was published on Septemer 9, 2023.
"Things to Do in Jason Aldean’s Small Town" was published on July 28, 2023.
"Fill-In Haiku" appears on June 15, 2023.
"Achespeare" was featured on May 15, 2023.
"'gressions" was published on April 27, 2023.
Deadly Orgone Radiation (D.O.R.).
Parts 1-5 of my "Riddle" series and my other poems "No Backsies," Crack" and "Regular People Not Writing" were featured in Issue 5 in December of 2023.
Doug Holder's Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene Blog
"Week Old Mask" was published on May 13, 2020 as part of Doug Holder's "Poem During the Plague" series.
"No Good" was published in Doug Holder's "The Sunday Poet" section on July 9, 2016.
Endicott Review
"Christine," "Arguments," and "Fear of Poets Realized" can now be viewed via issu.
Fevers of the Mind
"Carter" was published on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2025, which made me smile.
"Lou Reed at Heaven’s Gate" was published on February 8, 2022.
"Anniversary," "Waste" and "To the Returning Teachers" were published on February 6, 2022.
Five Fleas (Itchy Poetry)
"Chore Embellishment" was posted on April 30, 2024.
"Platitudes" and "Muppet Buffalo" was included on the afternoon of February 21, 2024.
"Gen X Birthday Haiku" was written on my birthday and published almost right after on May 15, 2023.
"Yoga" was published on May 12, 2023.
"Disillusioned Bourbon Street Blues Bar Haiku" was published on March 25, 2023.
"Anti-Haiku" and "Poem" were published on March 2, 2023.
FreezeRay Poetry
"Rocky Jesus" from Issue #9.
"Spider-Man Is Just to Say" from Issue #8.
The Galway Review
"How to Win a Debate" was published on July 1, 2024.
Gate of Dawn
"Work Poem" (a different one) was included in Ari Whipple's Winter 2024 issue.
Gingerbread Ritual Literary Journal
"Room" was published in the debut issue in February of 2021.
Headline Poetry & Press
"Dearth of a Nation" was published on September 11, 2020.
"Triumph of the Nil" was published on September 10, 2020.
"Strokes of Genius" was published on September 8, 2020.
"The End is Just the Beginning of the Middle Part" was published on July 13, 2020.
"Slaughterhouse Forty-Five" was published on June 19, 2020.
"Tapped" was published on June 13, 2020.
"Rough Beast Born," based on Trump's South Carolina rally, went up on June 3, 2020.
"Over With" was published on May 5, 2020.
"Next to God, America, Me" was published on April 26 2020.
"Post-Atkinson" was published on April 6, 2020.
"Story of the Rest" was published on February 26 as number #27 in their Erasure the Occupant series.
In Between Hangovers
"Spin" appeared on March 28, 2018.
Incessant Pipe
"Charlie Brown at 42" appeared on August 17, 2015.
The Jupiter Review
"Massaging My Father's Feet" appears in Issue iii.
Kingfisher Poetry Forum 2.
I made my debut on November 12 with my poem "Chomsky Flinched."
The Kitchen Poet
"Off," "Primed," "Wash," "Dropped" and "Clique" were posted on March 11, 2016.
"IRL," Dorchester Debutante Texts Conspiracies," and "Ditko's Day" were posted on September 13th, 2013.
Life in Quarantine: Witnessing Global Pandemic
My poem "Postponed" appeared as part of this project.
Live Nude Poems
"Morning Talk" was published on November 7, 2023.
"Cambridge Doesn't Need Another Poet" appeared on October 29, 2021.
"Working Misanthrope Versus Pandemic" was published on August 28, 2020.
"Work-Through-Lunch Poem" was published on May 24, 2019.
Lothlorien Poetry Journal
"Skullless Baby Jesus Tanka" and "Controlled Narrative Jesus Tanka" were published on October 11, 2022.
"Suburban Jesus Tanka," "Groomer Jesus Tanka" and "Anti-Woke Jesus Tanka" were published on August 28, 2022.
"Lone Wolf Gunman Jesus Tanka," "School Shooter Jesus Tanka," "Good-Guy-With-A-Gun Jesus Tanka," "Susan Collins Jesus Tanka," "Ted Cruz Jesus Tanka" and "Texas Jesus Tanka" were published on July 10.
Mad Swirl
"Keeping Score" was published on March 5, 2024.
Mass Poetry
My poem "Naming The Nameless" was featured as part of my profile as Massachusetts Poet in the Spotlight for November 2015.
"Stats Show" was published in issue #8.
"Composure" was published in issue #6.
"Clean Break" showed up in issue #3.
"Past Due" was published in the second issue.
"Face" was included in the debut issue.
Muddy River Poetry Review
"You dreamed that you got out of bed to retrieve the charger" appeared in Issue #9.
"The Road You Don't Want to Take" and "Boss Out" Appeared in Issue #24.
The New Verse News
"Anita Bryant's Last Christmas Wish" was published on January 17, 2025.
"Trump AI Generates His Second Inauguration" was published on August 22, 2024.
"What They Tried in my Small Town" was published on July 31, 2023.
The OceanGate poem "Tourist Trap" was published in the late hours of June 21, 2023.
"Coming Up" was published on December 3, 2022.
Wrote “Orange Line Shutdown, Day One" was published on August 25, 2022.
"American Haiku: New Normal is Normal Again," my summertime poem, published on July 25, 2022.
"Everything Marjorie May Have Never Said," my MTG poem published on April 26, 2022.
"Squatter," a poem about Trump and his ultimate hanger-on, was published on October 23, 2021.
"Melt," my poem on the trend of global warming acceptance, was published on July 11, 2021.
"Items Not Seized from Rudy Giuliani's Home" was published on May 1, 2021.
"Landscape with the Fall of Joe Biden" was published on March 24, 2021.
"Family Values Limbo," my poem on the death of Rush Limbaugh, was published on February 18, 2021.
Nixes Mate Review
My poem "Open House" is in the Summer 2021 issue.
"Name" appears in double issue 16/17, the "COVID/2020" issue.
North of Oxford
"Closet" was published in the October 2023 issue.
"Arizona Open" was published in December 2021 as part of the Pandemic of Violence anthnology.
The November 3rd Club
"Ford, Hussein, and Pinochet with the River Styx as Their Water Cooler" appeared in the Spring 2007 issue.
"Sarcastic Haiku 38: America’s New Optimism" was published in the Fall 2006 issue.
Oddball Magazine
"Donald Trump Jesus: The Return" was published on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2025.
Check out the humor column I used to do do with cartoonist George Panagopoulos called The Last(ish) Word.
"Chip from the Brink" was written in reaction to the Club Q shooting and published on November 29, 2022.
"Anti-Maskers Greet Me After the Reopening" was published on May 5, 2021.
"Donald Trump Jesus Epilogue" was published on January 20, 2021.
"Donald Trump Jesus, Chapter Five" was published on November 3, 2020.
"Matters," a poem for Ruth Bader Ginsberg, was published on September 23, 2020.
"Donald Trump Jesus, Chapter Four" was published on November 6, 2019.
"Eating Jesuses" was published on April 17, 2019.
"Donald Trump Jesus, Chapter Three" went up on November 6, 2018.
"Workshop Poem," a tribute to my friend and mentor Ron Goba, was published on May 9, 2018.
"Pantin Russe" is a William Carlos Williams parody piece published on January 8, 2018. I paired up with George once again.
"Donald Trump Jesus, Chapter Two" was published on November 8, 2017.
"Zombie Jesus Tanka" was published on Halloween, 2017.
"Donald Trump Jesus" was published on November 1, 2016.
"David Bowie Jesus" was published on February 10, 2016.
"Red Line Jesus" was written for the column Stone Soup Servings on May 8, 2015.
"Home for the Zombie Apocalypse" was published on October 27, 2014.
Four more poems from my "Jesus Poems" series were published on Good Friday, April 18, 2014.
"Eating Poets," two William Carlos Williams undead parodies, two zombie limericks, and "The Undead Are Banging On Our Doors" were posted from October 28th to October 31st as part of Halloween week.
"Alpha Jesus" appeared on February 4, 2013
"Negative Sex Jesus" appeared on January 17, 2013.
"Anti-Matter Jesus" appeared on January 15, 2013.
Queen Mob's Tea House
"New and Improved," "Yarrow," "Mock Stones" and "Fete" were published on July 28, 2018.
"Steps," "Dedalus on a Slow Horse," "Cool Cats" and "Band" were published as part on February 2, 2018.
"Reunion" was part of Volume 5, which was published in July of 2023.
My poem "Station Break" appears in their second volume.
The Rye Whisky Review
"They Wish I Wrote About Flowers" was published on November 4, 2024.
"Proof" was featured on February 5, 2024.
"Break" was published on February 19, 2023.
"I Was Depressed Before it Was Cool" was published on October 14, 2022.
"Dirt Nod" was published on August 30, 2022.
"Sports Talk with the Fall of Democracy" was published on June 15, 2022.
In 2012, I took part in their series of limerick contests.
My limerick on Pope Benedict's resignation was published on March 3, 2013.
My Burger King limerick was published on February 3, 2013.
My red state limerick was published on January 27, 2013.
My Karl Rove limerick was published on November 21, 2012.
My limerick on Obama and drones was published on October 24, 2012.
My meta limerick was one of their first winning entiries on August 13, 2012.
The Scrambler
"Joanie at the Museum Circus" and "Meeting Valerie Loveland" were published in Issue 40.
Second Coming
"#ReleaseTheTrumpCut"was the seventeenth poem for this Indolent Books series.
Sense and Sensibility Haiku
My first haiku for Patricia Carragon's journal appeared in the December 2024 issue.
"Seeking Answers" and "Your Fifteen Stages to Me Accepting You" appeared in issue 1.4.
"Coming to" was published in issue #39.
"Our Metaphors Are Still From Earth" appeared in issue #29.
My first three "Sarcastic Haiku" (including what became my first "American Haiku") were published in issue #17.
"They Say I Should Be Used To It" was published in Issue #14.
The Skinny Poetry Journal
"Flagged Behavior" was published on October 27, 2021.
"Head State Case" was published on March 4, 2020.
"Trump State" was published on March 7, 2019.
"Again" was published on November 8, 2017, the anniversary of election night.
"Labor" was published on September 19, 2016
“Office Rat Triptych” was published on February 23, 2016.
"Hack" was published on October 30, 2015.
The Somerville News
"'I Thought You Were Off All Week'" was published on January 18, 2023.
"Systemic" and "Tomato" appeared on April 17, 2013.
"Sonnet For Ginsburg" posted in January 2005, published in the February 2005 print edition.
"Jack" from Issue # 6.
"My Father Defies Death to Write Me A Letter..." from Issue # 5.
Also in Issue #5 is "Thrust," a collaboration between myself and Michael F. Gill.
"Except" from Issue #4.
"Hail" from Issue #3.
"Poetry Isn't Everything" from Issue #1.
"Rat Poem" from Issue #0.
Transition: Poems in the Afterglow
"Riot Acts" was published on January 12, 2021.
"Fringe Fringes the Fringe" was published on November 24, 2020.
Unlikely Stories Mark V
"Dispatches From Florida" and "Florida Conceal" appeared in the "F--k Florida" issue in August 2023.
"Why I'm Not Zen" from December 2003.
My poem "At-Home" is featured on the April 21 ARTery story, "Poetry In The Time Of Coronavirus."
The What Rough Beast Project
"Patient Nero" was published on November 2, 2020.
"Bernie Sanders Jesus, Take Two," "Obama Jesus Tanka," "Joe Biden Jesus Tanka," "AOC Jesus Tanka" and "Robert Trump Jesus Tanka" were published on August 25, 2020.
'Hermain Cain Jesus Tanka," "Stella Immanuel Jesus Tanka," "Jerry Fallwell Jr. Jesus Tanka," "Joe Arpaio Jesus Tanka," "Kamala Harris Jesus Tanka" were published on August 17, 2020.
"Ghislaine Maxwell Jesus Tanka," "Fred Trump Jesus Tanka," "Freddie Trump Jesus Tanka," "Mary Trump Jesus Tanka" and "Roger Stone Jesus Tanka, Take Two" were published on July 12, 2020.
"Clean Break," was published as part of the COVID-19 edition on June 14, 2020
"Jane Roe Jesus Tanka" and "Cheese Cloth Mask Jesus" were published as part of the COVID-19 edition on May 23, 2020.
"Tiger King Jesus Tanka," "Zombie Jesus Tanka" and "Jared Kushner Jesus Tanka" were published on April 21, 2020.
"Boris Johnson Jesus Tanka," "Linda Tripp Jesus Tanka" and "Bernie Sanders Jesus Tanka, Take Two" were published on April 11, 2020.
"Nathaniel Woods Jesus Tanka," "Lindley Graham Jesus Tanka," "Spring Breaker Jesus Tanka," "Chloroquine Jesus Tanka," Easter Jesus Tanka," "Deep State Jesus Tanka" and "Anthony Fauci Jesus Tanka" were published on March 30, 2020.
"Hilary Clinton Jesus Tanka," "William Barr Jesus Tanka," "Rudy Giullani Jesus Tanka, Take Four," ""Elizabeth Warren Jesus Tanka," "Bernie Sanders Jesus Tanka" and "Joe Biden Jesus Tanka" were published on March 14, 2020.
"Iowa Caucus Jesus Tanka," "Pete Buttigieg Jesus Tanka," Rush Limbaugh Jesus Tanka," and "John Bolton Jesus Tanka, Take Two" were published on February 7, 2020.
"Guns-rights Rally Jesus Tanka," "Lev Parnas Jesus Tanka, Take Two," "Marie Yovanovitch Jesus Tanka," "#HoseRepublican Jesus Tanka," "Mike Pompeo Jesus Tanka" and "Private Banker Jesus Tanka" were published on January 25, 2020.
"John Bolton Jesus Tanka," World War Three Jesus Tanka," "#ToiletTrump Jesus Tanka, #TakeTwo," "Hawkish Jesus Tanka," "New York Times Jesus Tanka," "Return Fire Jesus Tanka," and "Whistleblower Jesus Tanka, Take Three" were published on January 9, 2020.
"Mitch McConnell Jesus Tanka," "Boris Johnson Jesus Tanka," "Infowars Jesus Tanka" and "Matt Bevin Jesus Tanka" were published on December 17, 2019.
"Lev Parnas Jesus Tanka," "Kamala Harris Jesus Tanka" and "#ToiletTrump Jesus Tanka" were published on December 7, 2019.
"Thanksgiving Jesus Tanka" and "Chick-fil-A Jesus Tanka" were published on Novmber 30, 2019.
"Rudy Giuliani Jesus Tanka, Take Two" and "Gordon Sondland Jesus Tanka" were published on November 22, 2019.
"Whistleblower Jesus Tanka, Take Two" and "Roger Stone Jesus Tanka" were published on November 16, 2019.
"Whistleblower Jesus Tanka" and "Michael Bloomberg Jesus Tanka" were published on November 9, 2019.
"Tomi Lahren Jesus Tanka" and "Tim Morrison Jesus Tanka" were published on November 1, 2019.
"Rudy Giuliani Jesus Tanka" was published on October 25, 2019.
"Rick Perry Jesus Tanka" was published on October 18, 2019.
"Kurdish Jesus Tanka" was published on October 12, 2019.
"Nancy Pelosi Jesus Tanka" was published on Septemer 27, 2019.
"Brett Kavanaugh Jesus Tanka" was published on September 18, 2019.
"Jeffrey Epstein Jesus Tanka" was published on August 14, 2019.
"Taint Michael" was published on July 14, 2019.
"Nick Sandmann Jesus Tanka" was published for July 7, 2019.
"Louis CK Jesus" was published on April 26, 2019.
"Escaped to Paris" was published on April 9, 2019.
"Stormy Daniels Jesus" was published on January 21, 2019 but filled the site's August 9, 2018 slot.
"Crisis Actor Jesus Tanka" was published on January 3, 2019.
"Brett Kavanaugh Jesus" was published on November 3, 2018.
"Polite Discourse Jesus" was published on September 30, 2018.
"Tom Brady Jesus" was published on September 20, 2018.
"Open Carry Jesus" was published (technically) on March 10, 2018.
"Shots Fired" was published on August 28, 2017.
"Clean Coal Jesus Tanka" was published on June 12, 2017.
Wilderness House Literary Review
"Husk," Con Fess," "Re: Solve," "Squat" and "U in Morning" appear in Volume 18, Issue 2.
"America Has Everything to Lose," "Free Advice" and "Florida" from Volume 17, Issue 2.
"Disclaim" from Volume 13, Issue 3.
"Real" and "Court" from Volume 13, Issue 1.
"Owed to Vegas" from Volume 12, Issue 3.
"P'm," "Q'k H'ku," and "Flipping Willie" from Volume 11, Issue 4.
"Solvent" from Volume 11, Issue 3.
"Slide" from Volume 10, Issue 3.
"Number" from Volume 10, Issue 1.
"Baffled" from Volume 9, Issue 3.
"SightSpeed" from Volume 9, Issue 1.
"Still" from Volume 7, Issue 4.
"Making Rounds" and "Not in Denver" from Volume 7, Issue 2.
"It's A Start" from Volume 4, Issue 3.
"Important Notice" from Volume 2, Issue 3.
"Haiku" from Volume 2, Issue 2.
"Us" from Volume 2, Issue 1.
"Moving In" and "For Lynne..." from Volume 1, Issue 3.
"Charon's Slow Day" is an early version of a poem I've since revised and re-titled. It was published in Volume 1, Issue 1.
Working For The Man
Thanks to editor and online friend John L. Roberson My poem "The Cup" appeared in this online anthology created 8 years ago to benefit writer/artist William Messner-Loebs and his wife. Download the anthology in its entirety for free by clicking here. It may take time to download, but it's worth it.
Yellow Chair Review
My poem "Batman Jesus" appears in their Superheroes Issue.
New work is showing up on my Medium page as quickly as I can write it. Through it, I've become a contributor to Politics Mean Politics .
My article on cartoonist, designer and one-time self-publisher Jordan Crane.
The Beantown Zinetown festival was a thing for a few years in Boston, hosted by Rich Mackin. I covered the fourth annual BTZT in Issue 2 of Eyeball Magazine here.
One of my last articles about a former Boston-based artist. It as published before my small press print journalism gave way to blogging. Read "Stalking Rich Mackin."
For six months, I highlighted the Church of Euthanasia and their various political infiltrations, culminating in one of my largest pieces ever. The article is on the Church's Very Not Safe For Work website, but you can read it on my blog here. It includes some minor corrections I made after its initial publication and additional photos that went unused at the time.
One of my biggest pieces, published in the nationally distributed Lollipop: "Reverend Richard J. Mackin: The Captain Ahab of Spoken Word?"
From Lollipop Magazine, my interview with James Kochalka.
One of my first articles when I started working for the local independent press was an interview with a cartoonist and humorist known as benjones for Lollipop Magazine.
Stone Soup Croutons is updated every Tuesday on my blog. Each week will feature a poem of mine that was written using imagery, phrases and ideas taken from the work read at Stone Soup Poetry's open mic. Read all the poems on my blog starting with the most recent by clicking here.
In 2016, I quietly started a new series on my blog called "City Haiku," combining poetry and my random photography of Boston.
A River Sings
"Alex Jones After Trial" was published on September 22, 2022.
The Arts Fuse
"Two Lane" was published on October 26, 2023.
Three of my limericks were published in the Spring 2013 issue, having entered them in a fictitious contest. Read here for more info.
Boston Literary Magazine
My poem "Late at Night" was featured along with a short interview in the revamped March 2022 issue.
"Charlie Brown at 45" was part of the December 2020 issue.
"Bill Cosby’s Cancelled Commencement Speech" appeared in the November 2020 issue.
"Zoology" was published in the October 2020 issue.
"Be Your Own Literary Hero" was published in the February 2020 issue.
can we have our ball back?
"Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Remembers His Brother's Words..." and "Poem" are included in issue 21.0.
"The Lost Notebook" appeared in issue 15.0.
"First in a Series" appeared in issue 12.0.
"The Amusement Park Where You Worked Summers," "Roommate" and "Sunday" appeared in issue 9.0.
Cold Moon Journal
My camping haiku was published on October 21, 2024.
My late summer haiku was published on September 25, 2024.
My summerish haiku was published on January 26, 2024.
Concelebratory Shoehorn Review
"Alumni," "Child At The Pet Store," "Housewarming Tips," "Poem" and "Jealousy" appear in the March 2008 issue.
The Crossroads
"Made It" was published on October 25, 2024.
"When It's Time to Listen, They Concentrate" was published on January 28, 2025 on International Holocaust Remembrance Day..
"Squinting at New York Post Headlines on Christmas Eve" was one of the first poems they published in January 2025.
"Voter's Remorse" went up with perfect sad timing on November 13.
"Archy Barky," a political piece that appeared on October 25, 2024.
"Workshop for the Defeated" was published on October 1, 2024.
"Centrist Eulogy" was published on August 13, 2024.
"Unpresidented" appeared on July 23, 2024.
"Lunch Scrap" was published on June 21, 2024.
"Manufactured Dissent" was published on April 22, 2024.
"Kevin Sorbo Watches Baltimore Bridge Fall" was published on April 3, 2024.
"Fired" was published on March 6, 2024.
"Custom Candy Hearts" was posted with perfect timing on February 14, 2024.
"Thistopia" was published on February 1, 2024.
"Hall and Oates Quiet Quit" was published on January 16, 2024.
"A Retinal Imager’s Theology" was published on December 14, 2023.
"Cede the Fifth" was published on November 1, 2023.
"Doomer Limerick" was published on September 26, 2023.
"A Giving Up Sonnet," was published on Septemer 9, 2023.
"Things to Do in Jason Aldean’s Small Town" was published on July 28, 2023.
"Fill-In Haiku" appears on June 15, 2023.
"Achespeare" was featured on May 15, 2023.
"'gressions" was published on April 27, 2023.
Deadly Orgone Radiation (D.O.R.).
Parts 1-5 of my "Riddle" series and my other poems "No Backsies," Crack" and "Regular People Not Writing" were featured in Issue 5 in December of 2023.
Doug Holder's Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene Blog
"Week Old Mask" was published on May 13, 2020 as part of Doug Holder's "Poem During the Plague" series.
"No Good" was published in Doug Holder's "The Sunday Poet" section on July 9, 2016.
Endicott Review
"Christine," "Arguments," and "Fear of Poets Realized" can now be viewed via issu.
Fevers of the Mind
"Carter" was published on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2025, which made me smile.
"Lou Reed at Heaven’s Gate" was published on February 8, 2022.
"Anniversary," "Waste" and "To the Returning Teachers" were published on February 6, 2022.
Five Fleas (Itchy Poetry)
"Chore Embellishment" was posted on April 30, 2024.
"Platitudes" and "Muppet Buffalo" was included on the afternoon of February 21, 2024.
"Gen X Birthday Haiku" was written on my birthday and published almost right after on May 15, 2023.
"Yoga" was published on May 12, 2023.
"Disillusioned Bourbon Street Blues Bar Haiku" was published on March 25, 2023.
"Anti-Haiku" and "Poem" were published on March 2, 2023.
FreezeRay Poetry
"Rocky Jesus" from Issue #9.
"Spider-Man Is Just to Say" from Issue #8.
The Galway Review
"How to Win a Debate" was published on July 1, 2024.
Gate of Dawn
"Work Poem" (a different one) was included in Ari Whipple's Winter 2024 issue.
Gingerbread Ritual Literary Journal
"Room" was published in the debut issue in February of 2021.
Headline Poetry & Press
"Dearth of a Nation" was published on September 11, 2020.
"Triumph of the Nil" was published on September 10, 2020.
"Strokes of Genius" was published on September 8, 2020.
"The End is Just the Beginning of the Middle Part" was published on July 13, 2020.
"Slaughterhouse Forty-Five" was published on June 19, 2020.
"Tapped" was published on June 13, 2020.
"Rough Beast Born," based on Trump's South Carolina rally, went up on June 3, 2020.
"Over With" was published on May 5, 2020.
"Next to God, America, Me" was published on April 26 2020.
"Post-Atkinson" was published on April 6, 2020.
"Story of the Rest" was published on February 26 as number #27 in their Erasure the Occupant series.
In Between Hangovers
"Spin" appeared on March 28, 2018.
Incessant Pipe
"Charlie Brown at 42" appeared on August 17, 2015.
The Jupiter Review
"Massaging My Father's Feet" appears in Issue iii.
Kingfisher Poetry Forum 2.
I made my debut on November 12 with my poem "Chomsky Flinched."
The Kitchen Poet
"Off," "Primed," "Wash," "Dropped" and "Clique" were posted on March 11, 2016.
"IRL," Dorchester Debutante Texts Conspiracies," and "Ditko's Day" were posted on September 13th, 2013.
Life in Quarantine: Witnessing Global Pandemic
My poem "Postponed" appeared as part of this project.
Live Nude Poems
"Morning Talk" was published on November 7, 2023.
"Cambridge Doesn't Need Another Poet" appeared on October 29, 2021.
"Working Misanthrope Versus Pandemic" was published on August 28, 2020.
"Work-Through-Lunch Poem" was published on May 24, 2019.
Lothlorien Poetry Journal
"Skullless Baby Jesus Tanka" and "Controlled Narrative Jesus Tanka" were published on October 11, 2022.
"Suburban Jesus Tanka," "Groomer Jesus Tanka" and "Anti-Woke Jesus Tanka" were published on August 28, 2022.
"Lone Wolf Gunman Jesus Tanka," "School Shooter Jesus Tanka," "Good-Guy-With-A-Gun Jesus Tanka," "Susan Collins Jesus Tanka," "Ted Cruz Jesus Tanka" and "Texas Jesus Tanka" were published on July 10.
Mad Swirl
"Keeping Score" was published on March 5, 2024.
Mass Poetry
My poem "Naming The Nameless" was featured as part of my profile as Massachusetts Poet in the Spotlight for November 2015.
"Stats Show" was published in issue #8.
"Composure" was published in issue #6.
"Clean Break" showed up in issue #3.
"Past Due" was published in the second issue.
"Face" was included in the debut issue.
Muddy River Poetry Review
"You dreamed that you got out of bed to retrieve the charger" appeared in Issue #9.
"The Road You Don't Want to Take" and "Boss Out" Appeared in Issue #24.
The New Verse News
"Anita Bryant's Last Christmas Wish" was published on January 17, 2025.
"Trump AI Generates His Second Inauguration" was published on August 22, 2024.
"What They Tried in my Small Town" was published on July 31, 2023.
The OceanGate poem "Tourist Trap" was published in the late hours of June 21, 2023.
"Coming Up" was published on December 3, 2022.
Wrote “Orange Line Shutdown, Day One" was published on August 25, 2022.
"American Haiku: New Normal is Normal Again," my summertime poem, published on July 25, 2022.
"Everything Marjorie May Have Never Said," my MTG poem published on April 26, 2022.
"Squatter," a poem about Trump and his ultimate hanger-on, was published on October 23, 2021.
"Melt," my poem on the trend of global warming acceptance, was published on July 11, 2021.
"Items Not Seized from Rudy Giuliani's Home" was published on May 1, 2021.
"Landscape with the Fall of Joe Biden" was published on March 24, 2021.
"Family Values Limbo," my poem on the death of Rush Limbaugh, was published on February 18, 2021.
Nixes Mate Review
My poem "Open House" is in the Summer 2021 issue.
"Name" appears in double issue 16/17, the "COVID/2020" issue.
North of Oxford
"Closet" was published in the October 2023 issue.
"Arizona Open" was published in December 2021 as part of the Pandemic of Violence anthnology.
The November 3rd Club
"Ford, Hussein, and Pinochet with the River Styx as Their Water Cooler" appeared in the Spring 2007 issue.
"Sarcastic Haiku 38: America’s New Optimism" was published in the Fall 2006 issue.
Oddball Magazine
"Donald Trump Jesus: The Return" was published on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2025.
Check out the humor column I used to do do with cartoonist George Panagopoulos called The Last(ish) Word.
"Chip from the Brink" was written in reaction to the Club Q shooting and published on November 29, 2022.
"Anti-Maskers Greet Me After the Reopening" was published on May 5, 2021.
"Donald Trump Jesus Epilogue" was published on January 20, 2021.
"Donald Trump Jesus, Chapter Five" was published on November 3, 2020.
"Matters," a poem for Ruth Bader Ginsberg, was published on September 23, 2020.
"Donald Trump Jesus, Chapter Four" was published on November 6, 2019.
"Eating Jesuses" was published on April 17, 2019.
"Donald Trump Jesus, Chapter Three" went up on November 6, 2018.
"Workshop Poem," a tribute to my friend and mentor Ron Goba, was published on May 9, 2018.
"Pantin Russe" is a William Carlos Williams parody piece published on January 8, 2018. I paired up with George once again.
"Donald Trump Jesus, Chapter Two" was published on November 8, 2017.
"Zombie Jesus Tanka" was published on Halloween, 2017.
"Donald Trump Jesus" was published on November 1, 2016.
"David Bowie Jesus" was published on February 10, 2016.
"Red Line Jesus" was written for the column Stone Soup Servings on May 8, 2015.
"Home for the Zombie Apocalypse" was published on October 27, 2014.
Four more poems from my "Jesus Poems" series were published on Good Friday, April 18, 2014.
"Eating Poets," two William Carlos Williams undead parodies, two zombie limericks, and "The Undead Are Banging On Our Doors" were posted from October 28th to October 31st as part of Halloween week.
"Alpha Jesus" appeared on February 4, 2013
"Negative Sex Jesus" appeared on January 17, 2013.
"Anti-Matter Jesus" appeared on January 15, 2013.
Queen Mob's Tea House
"New and Improved," "Yarrow," "Mock Stones" and "Fete" were published on July 28, 2018.
"Steps," "Dedalus on a Slow Horse," "Cool Cats" and "Band" were published as part on February 2, 2018.
"Reunion" was part of Volume 5, which was published in July of 2023.
My poem "Station Break" appears in their second volume.
The Rye Whisky Review
"They Wish I Wrote About Flowers" was published on November 4, 2024.
"Proof" was featured on February 5, 2024.
"Break" was published on February 19, 2023.
"I Was Depressed Before it Was Cool" was published on October 14, 2022.
"Dirt Nod" was published on August 30, 2022.
"Sports Talk with the Fall of Democracy" was published on June 15, 2022.
In 2012, I took part in their series of limerick contests.
My limerick on Pope Benedict's resignation was published on March 3, 2013.
My Burger King limerick was published on February 3, 2013.
My red state limerick was published on January 27, 2013.
My Karl Rove limerick was published on November 21, 2012.
My limerick on Obama and drones was published on October 24, 2012.
My meta limerick was one of their first winning entiries on August 13, 2012.
The Scrambler
"Joanie at the Museum Circus" and "Meeting Valerie Loveland" were published in Issue 40.
Second Coming
"#ReleaseTheTrumpCut"was the seventeenth poem for this Indolent Books series.
Sense and Sensibility Haiku
My first haiku for Patricia Carragon's journal appeared in the December 2024 issue.
"Seeking Answers" and "Your Fifteen Stages to Me Accepting You" appeared in issue 1.4.
"Coming to" was published in issue #39.
"Our Metaphors Are Still From Earth" appeared in issue #29.
My first three "Sarcastic Haiku" (including what became my first "American Haiku") were published in issue #17.
"They Say I Should Be Used To It" was published in Issue #14.
The Skinny Poetry Journal
"Flagged Behavior" was published on October 27, 2021.
"Head State Case" was published on March 4, 2020.
"Trump State" was published on March 7, 2019.
"Again" was published on November 8, 2017, the anniversary of election night.
"Labor" was published on September 19, 2016
“Office Rat Triptych” was published on February 23, 2016.
"Hack" was published on October 30, 2015.
The Somerville News
"'I Thought You Were Off All Week'" was published on January 18, 2023.
"Systemic" and "Tomato" appeared on April 17, 2013.
"Sonnet For Ginsburg" posted in January 2005, published in the February 2005 print edition.
"Jack" from Issue # 6.
"My Father Defies Death to Write Me A Letter..." from Issue # 5.
Also in Issue #5 is "Thrust," a collaboration between myself and Michael F. Gill.
"Except" from Issue #4.
"Hail" from Issue #3.
"Poetry Isn't Everything" from Issue #1.
"Rat Poem" from Issue #0.
Transition: Poems in the Afterglow
"Riot Acts" was published on January 12, 2021.
"Fringe Fringes the Fringe" was published on November 24, 2020.
Unlikely Stories Mark V
"Dispatches From Florida" and "Florida Conceal" appeared in the "F--k Florida" issue in August 2023.
"Why I'm Not Zen" from December 2003.
My poem "At-Home" is featured on the April 21 ARTery story, "Poetry In The Time Of Coronavirus."
The What Rough Beast Project
"Patient Nero" was published on November 2, 2020.
"Bernie Sanders Jesus, Take Two," "Obama Jesus Tanka," "Joe Biden Jesus Tanka," "AOC Jesus Tanka" and "Robert Trump Jesus Tanka" were published on August 25, 2020.
'Hermain Cain Jesus Tanka," "Stella Immanuel Jesus Tanka," "Jerry Fallwell Jr. Jesus Tanka," "Joe Arpaio Jesus Tanka," "Kamala Harris Jesus Tanka" were published on August 17, 2020.
"Ghislaine Maxwell Jesus Tanka," "Fred Trump Jesus Tanka," "Freddie Trump Jesus Tanka," "Mary Trump Jesus Tanka" and "Roger Stone Jesus Tanka, Take Two" were published on July 12, 2020.
"Clean Break," was published as part of the COVID-19 edition on June 14, 2020
"Jane Roe Jesus Tanka" and "Cheese Cloth Mask Jesus" were published as part of the COVID-19 edition on May 23, 2020.
"Tiger King Jesus Tanka," "Zombie Jesus Tanka" and "Jared Kushner Jesus Tanka" were published on April 21, 2020.
"Boris Johnson Jesus Tanka," "Linda Tripp Jesus Tanka" and "Bernie Sanders Jesus Tanka, Take Two" were published on April 11, 2020.
"Nathaniel Woods Jesus Tanka," "Lindley Graham Jesus Tanka," "Spring Breaker Jesus Tanka," "Chloroquine Jesus Tanka," Easter Jesus Tanka," "Deep State Jesus Tanka" and "Anthony Fauci Jesus Tanka" were published on March 30, 2020.
"Hilary Clinton Jesus Tanka," "William Barr Jesus Tanka," "Rudy Giullani Jesus Tanka, Take Four," ""Elizabeth Warren Jesus Tanka," "Bernie Sanders Jesus Tanka" and "Joe Biden Jesus Tanka" were published on March 14, 2020.
"Iowa Caucus Jesus Tanka," "Pete Buttigieg Jesus Tanka," Rush Limbaugh Jesus Tanka," and "John Bolton Jesus Tanka, Take Two" were published on February 7, 2020.
"Guns-rights Rally Jesus Tanka," "Lev Parnas Jesus Tanka, Take Two," "Marie Yovanovitch Jesus Tanka," "#HoseRepublican Jesus Tanka," "Mike Pompeo Jesus Tanka" and "Private Banker Jesus Tanka" were published on January 25, 2020.
"John Bolton Jesus Tanka," World War Three Jesus Tanka," "#ToiletTrump Jesus Tanka, #TakeTwo," "Hawkish Jesus Tanka," "New York Times Jesus Tanka," "Return Fire Jesus Tanka," and "Whistleblower Jesus Tanka, Take Three" were published on January 9, 2020.
"Mitch McConnell Jesus Tanka," "Boris Johnson Jesus Tanka," "Infowars Jesus Tanka" and "Matt Bevin Jesus Tanka" were published on December 17, 2019.
"Lev Parnas Jesus Tanka," "Kamala Harris Jesus Tanka" and "#ToiletTrump Jesus Tanka" were published on December 7, 2019.
"Thanksgiving Jesus Tanka" and "Chick-fil-A Jesus Tanka" were published on Novmber 30, 2019.
"Rudy Giuliani Jesus Tanka, Take Two" and "Gordon Sondland Jesus Tanka" were published on November 22, 2019.
"Whistleblower Jesus Tanka, Take Two" and "Roger Stone Jesus Tanka" were published on November 16, 2019.
"Whistleblower Jesus Tanka" and "Michael Bloomberg Jesus Tanka" were published on November 9, 2019.
"Tomi Lahren Jesus Tanka" and "Tim Morrison Jesus Tanka" were published on November 1, 2019.
"Rudy Giuliani Jesus Tanka" was published on October 25, 2019.
"Rick Perry Jesus Tanka" was published on October 18, 2019.
"Kurdish Jesus Tanka" was published on October 12, 2019.
"Nancy Pelosi Jesus Tanka" was published on Septemer 27, 2019.
"Brett Kavanaugh Jesus Tanka" was published on September 18, 2019.
"Jeffrey Epstein Jesus Tanka" was published on August 14, 2019.
"Taint Michael" was published on July 14, 2019.
"Nick Sandmann Jesus Tanka" was published for July 7, 2019.
"Louis CK Jesus" was published on April 26, 2019.
"Escaped to Paris" was published on April 9, 2019.
"Stormy Daniels Jesus" was published on January 21, 2019 but filled the site's August 9, 2018 slot.
"Crisis Actor Jesus Tanka" was published on January 3, 2019.
"Brett Kavanaugh Jesus" was published on November 3, 2018.
"Polite Discourse Jesus" was published on September 30, 2018.
"Tom Brady Jesus" was published on September 20, 2018.
"Open Carry Jesus" was published (technically) on March 10, 2018.
"Shots Fired" was published on August 28, 2017.
"Clean Coal Jesus Tanka" was published on June 12, 2017.
Wilderness House Literary Review
"Husk," Con Fess," "Re: Solve," "Squat" and "U in Morning" appear in Volume 18, Issue 2.
"America Has Everything to Lose," "Free Advice" and "Florida" from Volume 17, Issue 2.
"Disclaim" from Volume 13, Issue 3.
"Real" and "Court" from Volume 13, Issue 1.
"Owed to Vegas" from Volume 12, Issue 3.
"P'm," "Q'k H'ku," and "Flipping Willie" from Volume 11, Issue 4.
"Solvent" from Volume 11, Issue 3.
"Slide" from Volume 10, Issue 3.
"Number" from Volume 10, Issue 1.
"Baffled" from Volume 9, Issue 3.
"SightSpeed" from Volume 9, Issue 1.
"Still" from Volume 7, Issue 4.
"Making Rounds" and "Not in Denver" from Volume 7, Issue 2.
"It's A Start" from Volume 4, Issue 3.
"Important Notice" from Volume 2, Issue 3.
"Haiku" from Volume 2, Issue 2.
"Us" from Volume 2, Issue 1.
"Moving In" and "For Lynne..." from Volume 1, Issue 3.
"Charon's Slow Day" is an early version of a poem I've since revised and re-titled. It was published in Volume 1, Issue 1.
Working For The Man
Thanks to editor and online friend John L. Roberson My poem "The Cup" appeared in this online anthology created 8 years ago to benefit writer/artist William Messner-Loebs and his wife. Download the anthology in its entirety for free by clicking here. It may take time to download, but it's worth it.
Yellow Chair Review
My poem "Batman Jesus" appears in their Superheroes Issue.
New work is showing up on my Medium page as quickly as I can write it. Through it, I've become a contributor to Politics Mean Politics .
My article on cartoonist, designer and one-time self-publisher Jordan Crane.
The Beantown Zinetown festival was a thing for a few years in Boston, hosted by Rich Mackin. I covered the fourth annual BTZT in Issue 2 of Eyeball Magazine here.
One of my last articles about a former Boston-based artist. It as published before my small press print journalism gave way to blogging. Read "Stalking Rich Mackin."
For six months, I highlighted the Church of Euthanasia and their various political infiltrations, culminating in one of my largest pieces ever. The article is on the Church's Very Not Safe For Work website, but you can read it on my blog here. It includes some minor corrections I made after its initial publication and additional photos that went unused at the time.
One of my biggest pieces, published in the nationally distributed Lollipop: "Reverend Richard J. Mackin: The Captain Ahab of Spoken Word?"
From Lollipop Magazine, my interview with James Kochalka.
One of my first articles when I started working for the local independent press was an interview with a cartoonist and humorist known as benjones for Lollipop Magazine.
Stone Soup Croutons is updated every Tuesday on my blog. Each week will feature a poem of mine that was written using imagery, phrases and ideas taken from the work read at Stone Soup Poetry's open mic. Read all the poems on my blog starting with the most recent by clicking here.
In 2016, I quietly started a new series on my blog called "City Haiku," combining poetry and my random photography of Boston.